Five Marys First FARM STAND!

We will be set up in Menlo Park selling boxes of our pasture raised beef and pork - including delicious steaks and a variety of cuts, ground beef family packs, bacon & sausage assortments, slow cooker packages, offal and beef bones for broth too. 

We will also be stocked up on farm fresh pastured chicken eggs by the dozen, rare and extra nutritious turkey eggs, golden and spun honey and some other fun ranch products like 5M gear, raw sheep wool and custom spun yarns! 

The Farm Stand will be in the front yard at 931 Menlo Oaks Drive in Menlo Park, just off Bay Rd via 101 at the Willow or Marsh exit. 

Come join the Friday afternoon Farm Stand party with us between 12-6pm and feel free to forward, repost or invite friends. We hope to see you there!